Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Current Obsession: 30 Day Yoga Challenge

Dear Reader,

I don't know about you, but this dreary and gloomy city weather is just not sitting well with me. With the sunshine coming out to play just yesterday it was such a frustrating feeling to wake up to drizzling rain, to a murky grey sky, and windy swirls of coldness. When will the spring finally be here???

Recently I have been doing a lot of Pop Pilates, more on that later, and trying to build some HIIT workout, but my eating has been so poor and my head has just been so out of focus. I found myself fat shaming my body more than trying to build it into a stronger and leaner self, and I'm just not cool with that. I just believe that to really change your body physically and make yourself stronger you have to be happy on the inside and I felt that lately I was not. That is why I decided it was time to get back into yoga. There is something about the radiating positive energy that comes with doing yoga. The soothing voice of the instructor, the concentration on your breathing, and the sense of accomplishment when you reach a level of flexibility you weren't able to before.

I am a person who is in dire need of a plan, I can't just make things up as I go along I just work better when I have a specific schedule planned out with my workouts, so I found Adriene's 30 Day Yoga Challenge from Yoga with Adriene and I knew that it was the right call for me.

Today starts day one, Day 1 - Ease Into It - 30 Days of Yoga. Boy do I feel sore, happy, elated, and proud of myself for completing the first day of the challenge. I asked the boyfriend, T, to take some photos of me so I can check my progress as I go through the challenge. It is really hard to tell if you are doing a specific move right if you can't see yourself doing it and you don't have a physical instructor there to correct you, so taking the pictures really helped me see where I was at. I still have a long way to go, as you can see in the pictures, but hey progress has to start somewhere and I am really proud of myself for taking the journey, plus when I get stronger the boyfriend promised he would do Acro Yoga with me, which I'm dying to try.

Child's Pose 
Plank Pose 
Cobra Pose 
Downward Dog Pose, the hardest one for me to do right now 

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